Saturday, June 8, 2013

The state of mind is what society would call slightly Schizophrenic, the vision is spiritual, and the facts are perceived. If there were whole genius in all of us (a perception akin to one of the five senses), perhaps we could derive the mathematical interpretations of unexplained, simply observed phenomena. The artist needs a mathematician to conform the two dimensional web of sight that documents form constructed of lines (shape), which creates a cohesive and sensible connection in any given, perceived moment. This does not mean that there isn't chaos. If a photographer did not have eyes he or she would not process "composition." However, through our eyes, composition is often there. Visual and artistic impression is based upon perception. What does this mean? It means that the inspiration is already there. All music has evolved from the drum beat. Let us not forget that the first rhythm is the human heart. As humans are as much a part of nature as a Peony, or snail, let us not forgot we move as cells through the Universe as cells move through us. Multiple studies have been done which confirm that the role of the human brain is to derive order. But are we deriving order or perceiving it? If there is an order to things is not safe to assume that it must be sensed, not through our metaphysical and intellectual capacity to impose a mathematical map onto nature Herself, but rather, through our very senses? And isn't it our very senses that we are naturally endowed with which have taken us, say, from Lucretius's observation that things, in order to cast reflections, must cast actual films - to the scientific discovery that it is not that things cast films, simply, but rather that there is an entire world of light and electrons (which in a way, can be seen as these primitive "films") which brings us closer to the truth? And so, as long as there is order, disorder must be conceived.

It does not do us any good to live in an argumentative world which says, this theory is better, or that theory is better - that there is chaos and there is order, but rather that order shifts into chaos, and back again. And is it crazy to believe that this can be seen constantly, to the eye which has practice noticing and seeing, rather than merely looking - Indeed, is it right to call a man or woman Schizophrenic because in a given moment, the clouds shift from differentiating form from the tops of trees, to immediately fall behind them with what appears to be the exact same form as the trees, divots and all?

If a particle shifts from a wave to material based on our perception, does this not suggest that when we look at things, there is an external response? And if this exists in the world of the very small, and size is relative - if we consider ourselves as particles in the grand scheme of things, do we, as humans, not also exist as belonging to a world of possibility, in which something may be looking at us, and guiding our behavior? And if this is an all encompassing consciousness which is the greater thing that has its eye on us, is it not, at the very least, conceptually human, as an atom belonging to the vast Universe of our body is also human?

The only seeming link between the world of the very small, to the world of the very big (the physical world in which there are objects) would be that of speed. So while we exist on a very low level of energy, it makes sense that the subatomic world would exist in the realm of possibility, rather than definition. But this does not mean that we cannot exact change in the world of objects and Newtonian physics, perhaps it just means that it takes a lot of work, and a very long time.

It is not my role, to read books that have come before me, though I read in my spare time that which interests me. It is important for me to exist an observer of this world, and to derive my knowledge from intuitive experiences so that I may not be unconsciously influenced by others, though others may have shared thoughts before me.

It is my goal to explore my inquiries from a basic, phenomenological view point, so I am certain that the bulk of my ideas and thoughts are sourced from within, and communicated without, and vica versa, with my experience as a guide, and informant of inner truth.

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