The artistic process can be seen as a reverse avenue to the greater creative force. This is what many religions in various ways describe as "The Way of Return", this "way" referring specifically to the Tao.
"Tao or Dao (/taʊ/, /daʊ/; Chinese: 道; pinyin:

This can also be recognized in other religions, in which the physical world is referred to as a kind of "darkness" (quotations for conceptual purposes), whereas the truth lies in the non-physical realm. Science studies the physical world, and therefore the Taoist idea that "The Way" cannot be understood or described, is similar to the idea in Christianity that the existence of God cannot be proven, and requires, essentially, a personal knowing which in Christianity is termed, "faith." More specifically in the Christian faith there is the concept of "Dark Night Of The Soul" in which an individual must fall away from "God" to return to God.
Scientifically, we have originated, physically, from one source. Hypothetically, if this one source experienced consciousness, without an objective world to find understanding, it would not be able validate its own existence. This original source (let's imagine the Big Bang Theory here) has imploded in on itself to fragment into external environment, ultimately imparting intelligence and consciousness into humanity.
(I ask the reader now, if he or she would like, to read this Wikipedia reference for synoptic purposes on the history of the theorized origins of life:
"Tao is thus "eternally nameless” (Dao De Jing-32. Laozi) and to be distinguished from the countless 'named' things which are considered to be its manifestations."
My field of study is Psychoanalysis. Here is an obvious reference in ancient religion to what we began discussing in the beginning of this article, the process of actual human birth as well as the psychological process of the infant emerging from the mother, first experiencing oneness with the mother and then slowly becoming his or her own person capable of taking care of his or herself. Here, the mother then becomes differentiated from the infant. When a human reproduces, physically, it is an experience of becoming the mother (father), in the way that a human falls into the darkness that is the physical realm and through creation in general (not simply artistic creation, but let's here envision the elaborate world we have created in terms of architecture, technology, etc.) is pointed again to the truth or "the way".
Is this why creative inspiration seems so cosmic and otherworldly? Do we know intrinsically that we are channeling a greater force that was responsible for our own creation?
The Universe has seen to it that there is a biological tendency in place to reproduce, and even rewards (or bribes!) us with making extreme pleasure and release an intrinsic part of conception. Here, we can infer that both the creative process and actually giving birth are ways to recognize our individuality, as well as our creative power, through becoming the source which has created us. We are tied to this source historically, and hence we are the source, yet we are also separate from the source.
We see this process taking place also in the world of politics, exemplified in in Camus' The Rebel:
"We see that the affirmation implicit in every act of rebellion is extended to something that transcends the individual in so far as it withdraws him from his supposed solitude and provides him with a reason to act... Why rebel if there is nothing permanent in oneself worth preserving? It is for the sake of everyone in the world that the slave asserts himself when he comes to the conclusion that a command has infringed on something in him which does not belong to him alone, but which is common ground where all men - even the man who insults and oppresses him - have a natural community. (Camus, Rebel, 16)
Here, the rebel asserts his or her individualism simply to return to a place of authority, which is a source that is in charge and guides humanity itself. The rebel breaks free of societal authority, asserts individualism and suggests that he or she stands for a greater truth that must be imparted through the vessel of the individual to all men.
Here I will say that it is my opinion that it is a gross mistake to believe that we are separate from The Whole. Whether or not there is a God or intelligence that created us (in reference to an energetic force or process, rather than a physical God or alien race, which I believe for some are merely tangible symbols to give a voice to this concept of Tao). The inferred truth here is that we have evolved and emerged from a biological process that finds its roots/history in a very small world. The broken Whole is a way for the Universe to converse with itself, and the study of the physical world, which is in parts, in a way for the Whole to communicate with itself. In a sense, a person is a holographic reflection of the larger and more detailed picture, and a person's individual physical existence is cast into a darkness that is away from the light. Only to understand the true concept of "light" which is another mythological characteristic of "God" and "Truth" - one must study what they can see in the darkness (the physical world) to find the source of this faint luminosity. Here is where artistic creation is employed. In artistic creation, a person becomes that source of light and truth, and splits him or herself into parts by creating a body of creative work which provides clues for the human to become consciously aware of the processes of the psyche.
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